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Proposed new EU pharmaceuticals regulation offers greater protection for the environment

Proposed new EU pharmaceuticals regulation offers greater protection for the environment

The prospect of new and transformed regulation for pharmaceuticals in the EU has got the ETERNAL team talking. This article explores the potential additional protection offered to the environment by the new proposals beyond what is currently in force.

02 October 2023

AstraZeneca: Putting Sustainability at the heart of a global business

AstraZeneca: Putting Sustainability at the heart of a global business

Meet the people working in ETERNAL to translate the alignment of ETERNAL’s goals and AstraZeneca’s sustainability strategy into demonstrable developments in the use of membranes in pharmaceutical processing to recover and purify solvents with energy efficiency, remove impurities, and reduce ecotoxicity of waste streams.

22 September 2023

Thinking about green innovation? Better think about sustainability

Thinking about green innovation? Better think about sustainability

As part of the comprehensive industrial cocreation process through which ETERNAL’s case studies are being steered, Britest is developing a methodology which variously helps innovators to find the most sustainable process route when faced with multiple possibilities, to identify and challenge environmental impacts, and to develop cost effective carbon footprint reduction plans across their products’ value chain.

08 August 2023

The European Unitary Patent - broader and more effective patent protection for European business

The European Unitary Patent

The European Unitary Patent (EUP) represents a new era for Intellectual Property (IP) protection for European small and medium enterprises (SMEs), industry and researchers, as well as a significant milestone in the evolution of IP protection across the EU member states. Find out more about the possibilities opened up by EUP and how they may affect how you protect your intellectual property in future.

14 April 2023

Featured Researchers: University of Saarland

Featured Researchers: University of Saarland

Meet Prof. Andriy Luzhetskyy and Alina Zayachkivska from the the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) who are focused on metabolic engineering of actinobacteria

01 April 2023

Themes, hopes and ambitions – a co-ordinator’s perspective

Themes, hopes and ambitions – a co-ordinator’s perspective

ETERNAL’s Technical Co-ordinator Raquel Llorens-Chiralt takes a few minutes to reflect upon the project’s overall themes and share her hopes and ambitions for how ETERNAL’s combination of collaborative research and co-created change activities can contribute to making pharmaceutical manufacture greener by design.

28 March 2023

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