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ETERNAL Newsletter No. 2

ETERNAL Newsletter No. 2

ETERNAL's second newsletter reflects upon a strong first year of progress as we’ve got the ball moving across the project’s activities. You can read about how advances in membrane technology are helping one of the project’s major industrial partners put sustainability at the heart of their business, hear about how a new process understanding methodology for sustainability is helping ETERNAL’s innovators set objective goals for success, and find out about how prospective changes in the European regulatory landscape might change the expectations laid upon producers in a bid to enhance environmental protections. Plus much more!

17 October 2023

Proposed new EU pharmaceuticals regulation offers greater protection for the environment

Proposed new EU pharmaceuticals regulation offers greater protection for the environment

The prospect of new and transformed regulation for pharmaceuticals in the EU has got the ETERNAL team talking. This article explores the potential additional protection offered to the environment by the new proposals beyond what is currently in force.

02 October 2023

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