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Horizon Europe Green Pharma Cluster gets face to face

Horizon Europe Green Pharma Cluster gets face to face

The first annual meeting of the group of EU funded projects on Green Pharmaceuticals was held on 10th December 2024 in Brussels. Hosted by the European Commission, representatives of the ETERNAL project and our four sister projects currently within the cluster provided updates on the projects' objectives and progress, and had productive discussions with a range of stakeholders from across the Community.

11 December 2024

Concept paper and roadmap for "Compliant by Design" strategies released

Concept paper and roadmap for "Compliant by Design" strategies released

A newly released public deliverable of the ETERNAL project lays out the key-drivers and a possible regulatory roadmap for “compliant-by-design” strategies applying the concepts of “greener design” to be delivered in Europe.

01 December 2023

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