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Workshop output available now

Workshop output available now

A short summary of the output from an ETERNAL Industry engagement workshop conducted as part of the Making Pharmaceuticals UK Conference programme held at the Coventry Building Society Arena, Coventry, United Kingdom, on 23rd and 24th April 2024 is now available.

17 June 2024

New publication : Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Pharmaceutical Development

New publication : Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Pharmaceutical Development

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data (BD) presents an unprecedented opportunity within the framework outlined by the International Council for Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) to enhance quality assurance, streamline drug development processes, increase traceability at supply chain level, and ultimately improve quality and safety of medicinal products. A new report generated by the ETERNAL Research and Innovation Action discusses the ethical considerations and legislative imperatives for integrating AI and BD within the ICH guidelines to ensure responsible usage and sustainable business outcomes.

07 June 2024

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