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Horizon Europe Green Pharma Cluster gets face to face

Horizon Europe Green Pharma Cluster gets face to face

The first annual meeting of the group of EU funded projects on Green Pharmaceuticals was held on 10th December 2024 in Brussels. Hosted by the European Commission, representatives of the ETERNAL project and our four sister projects currently within the cluster provided updates on the projects' objectives and progress, and had productive discussions with a range of stakeholders from across the Community.

11 December 2024

Case studies in Green Pharma scale-up for impact

Case studies in Green Pharma scale-up for impact

The ETERNAL project consortium's 5th General Assembly meeting in Barcelona on 24th and 25th October 2024 heard reports of continuing strong progress as the project's six industrial case study teams start to transition the focus of their work towards scale up for impact.

28 October 2024

ETERNAL Newsletter No. 4

ETERNAL Newsletter No. 4

ETERNAL's fourth newsletter reflects the project's positive progress, with pointers to two recent peer reviewed publications from within the consortium relating to greener phamaceutical manufacturing and process sustainability evaluation. You can also access thinking on the ethical balance involved when harnessing new digital technologies in pursuit of improved medicines manufacturing methods, and catch up on the output of other outreach activities in which the project has been involved in the last six months.

11 October 2024

ETERNAL shines at EuroMembrane 2024

ETERNAL shines at EuroMembrane 2024

The ETERNAL project made a significant impact at the recent EuroMembrane 2024 conference held in Prague, Czechia. Our talented team members from AstraZeneca, Dr. Yanyue Feng and Dr. Hui Xiao, proudly represented the project at Europe's largest membranes conference which attracts nearly 1000 attendees, sharing key research results emerging from ETERNAL's case study in the use of membranes for valuable materials recovery and solvent purification in pharmaceutical manufacturing.

30 September 2024

New publication : Decision making framework for early-stage sustainability assessment

New publication : Decision making framework for early-stage sustainability assessment

A recent open peer-review publication from Britest enabled by work done in the ETERNAL project details a new framework for early-stage sustainability assessment of innovation projects and an enabling multi-criteria decision analysis methodology handling uncertainty in the evaluation of the options considered.

12 August 2024

ETERNAL Lessons for Resource Innovation in Speciality Chemicals

ETERNAL Lessons for Resource Innovation in Speciality Chemicals

The ETERNAL project recently contributed to the success of a well-received Speciality Chemicals Symposium run by the Royal Society of Chemistry in conjunction with the Chemspec Europe 2024 exhibition in Düsseldorf, Germany.

18 July 2024

Workshop output available now

Workshop output available now

A short summary of the output from an ETERNAL Industry engagement workshop conducted as part of the Making Pharmaceuticals UK Conference programme held at the Coventry Building Society Arena, Coventry, United Kingdom, on 23rd and 24th April 2024 is now available.

17 June 2024

New publication : Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Pharmaceutical Development

New publication : Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Pharmaceutical Development

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data (BD) presents an unprecedented opportunity within the framework outlined by the International Council for Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) to enhance quality assurance, streamline drug development processes, increase traceability at supply chain level, and ultimately improve quality and safety of medicinal products. A new report generated by the ETERNAL Research and Innovation Action discusses the ethical considerations and legislative imperatives for integrating AI and BD within the ICH guidelines to ensure responsible usage and sustainable business outcomes.

07 June 2024

ETERNAL partners with other HEu projects to form new Green Pharma Cluster

ETERNAL partners with other HEu projects to form new Green Pharma Cluster

ETERNAL and four other Horizon Europe research projects. have joined forces to form a Green Pharma Horizon Projects Cluster and capitalize on synergistic development. The aim of this cluster of R&D projects is to increase the sustainability of pharmaceutical products and exploit research synergies to boost the impact of innovations. Three working groups have been created: active pharmaceutical ingredient synthesis, pharmaceutical life cycle assessment and communication of key messages.

20 May 2024

Review of Organic Solvent Nanofiltration is OPR&D Editor's Choice

Review of Organic Solvent Nanofiltration is OPR&D Editor's Choice

Separation and purification in organic solvents are indispensable procedures in pharmaceutical manufacturing. Organic solvent nanofiltration (OSN) offers a low energy, low waste generating, and easily scalable alternative to the conventional method sof distillation or chromatography. A newly open-access published review from ETERNAL partners AstraZeneca comprehensively summarizes the recent progress of organic solvent nanofiltration and its applications in the pharmaceutical industry.

22 March 2024

ETERNAL Newsletter No. 3

ETERNAL Newsletter No. 3

ETERNAL's third newsletter features two important positioning papers from the ETERNAL stable: a concept paper laying out the key-drivers and a possible regulatory roadmap for “compliant-by-design” pharmaceutical strategies on the one hand, and a review of current and future EMA regulation covering the environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals complete with areas where these could be strengthened, improved and gaps filled. You can also read about some of our plans for conferences and workshops in the frst half of 2024.

19 February 2024

Forthcoming Events in 2024

Forthcoming Events in 2024

We look forward into the year ahead with a sense of growing excitement as the ETERNAL project’s collaborative research and case study strands gather pace. With several parts of the project’s work programme starting to deliver early results and work progressing strongly across the board, we are looking forward to sharing some of the early highlights and our latest thinking at two notable gatherings of industrialists and researchers from the pharmaceutical and specialty chemicals sectors respectively in the first half of 2024.

08 February 2024

Concept paper and roadmap for "Compliant by Design" strategies released

Concept paper and roadmap for "Compliant by Design" strategies released

A newly released public deliverable of the ETERNAL project lays out the key-drivers and a possible regulatory roadmap for “compliant-by-design” strategies applying the concepts of “greener design” to be delivered in Europe.

01 December 2023

A roadmap to integrate existing knowledge into pharmaceutical ERA

A roadmap to integrate existing knowledge into pharmaceutical ERA

A key aspect of evaluating the environmental impact and sustainability of pharmaceuticals is assessing the risk that they may pose to ecosystems. A new public report from the ETERNAL project provides an overview of the current EMA regulation covering the environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals, followed by a comparison against the new proposed Regulation and Directive published earlier in 2023. The report concludes with a series of recommendations for integrating the latest scientific knowledge into pharmaceutical risk assessment to help fill gaps in the current and proposed legislation.

01 December 2023

ETERNAL Newsletter No. 2

ETERNAL Newsletter No. 2

ETERNAL's second newsletter reflects upon a strong first year of progress as we’ve got the ball moving across the project’s activities. You can read about how advances in membrane technology are helping one of the project’s major industrial partners put sustainability at the heart of their business, hear about how a new process understanding methodology for sustainability is helping ETERNAL’s innovators set objective goals for success, and find out about how prospective changes in the European regulatory landscape might change the expectations laid upon producers in a bid to enhance environmental protections. Plus much more!

17 October 2023

Proposed new EU pharmaceuticals regulation offers greater protection for the environment

Proposed new EU pharmaceuticals regulation offers greater protection for the environment

The prospect of new and transformed regulation for pharmaceuticals in the EU has got the ETERNAL team talking. This article explores the potential additional protection offered to the environment by the new proposals beyond what is currently in force.

02 October 2023

ETERNAL at one year old

ETERNAL at one year old

The ETERNAL project just celebrated its first birthday. During that time the project partners have established strong and effective reporting structures and working relationships to deliver on an ambitious programme bringing together extensive industrial case studies scaling up sustainable, green pharmaceutical manufacturing processes with new insight into the environmental and ecotoxicological impacts of drug manufacture and consumption, to better understand how the one can maximally improve the other. Project coordinator Pablo Ferrer Pérez reflects on some of the significant first steps taken during this time and the foundations that have been laid for future success.

30 September 2023

Prioritising change in the pharma value chain

Prioritising change in the pharma value chain

ETERNAL is actively seeking to reach out to people working right across the pharmaceutical value chain from drug development and design, through manufacture, distribution, healthcare, disposal and public utilities to understand where we can prioritise action promoting change for sustainable healthcare. You can help by sharing your views in our short stakeholder survey.

26 September 2023

AstraZeneca: Putting Sustainability at the heart of a global business

AstraZeneca: Putting Sustainability at the heart of a global business

Meet the people working in ETERNAL to translate the alignment of ETERNAL’s goals and AstraZeneca’s sustainability strategy into demonstrable developments in the use of membranes in pharmaceutical processing to recover and purify solvents with energy efficiency, remove impurities, and reduce ecotoxicity of waste streams.

22 September 2023

Thinking about green innovation? Better think about sustainability

Thinking about green innovation? Better think about sustainability

As part of the comprehensive industrial cocreation process through which ETERNAL’s case studies are being steered, Britest is developing a methodology which variously helps innovators to find the most sustainable process route when faced with multiple possibilities, to identify and challenge environmental impacts, and to develop cost effective carbon footprint reduction plans across their products’ value chain.

08 August 2023

Roadmap for PAT and Digital Twins in the EU Pharmaceuticals Industry

Roadmap for PAT and Digital Twins in the EU Pharmaceuticals  Industry

The application of digital technologies to the pharmaceutical industries has the potential to significantly increase the agility, efficiency and flexibility, the sustainability of the drug manufacturing processes, and the quality of the medicines produced. Despite all this, the pharmaceutical industry has been more hesitant to adopt digital technologies than other industries due to the complexities and expertise required in its development and manufacturing processes. However, with the growing demand for traditional and new drugs, there is a clear need for digitalization in the sector.

01 June 2023

ETERNAL Newsletter No. 1

ETERNAL Newsletter No. 1

Welcome to ETERNAL's first newsletter. Amongst other things this edition features news on early progress made, perspectives on ETERNAL's theme's and ambitions, research into how biopharmaceutical processes can be made “greener by design” using genome engineering, and the opportunities presented by the new European Unitary Patent system.

25 April 2023

Out and about with ETERNAL

Out and about with ETERNAL

Representatives of the ETERNAL project team are already mobilizing to reach out to the world beyond our consortium, getting out and about to introduce the project and to learn more from others. Find out more about some productive early cross-project discussions and plans to engage with our target stakeholders later in the year at the CPHI Europe show in Barcelona. We hope to see you there!

21 April 2023

The European Unitary Patent - broader and more effective patent protection for European business

The European Unitary Patent

The European Unitary Patent (EUP) represents a new era for Intellectual Property (IP) protection for European small and medium enterprises (SMEs), industry and researchers, as well as a significant milestone in the evolution of IP protection across the EU member states. Find out more about the possibilities opened up by EUP and how they may affect how you protect your intellectual property in future.

14 April 2023

Featured Researchers: University of Saarland

Featured Researchers: University of Saarland

Meet Prof. Andriy Luzhetskyy and Alina Zayachkivska from the the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) who are focused on metabolic engineering of actinobacteria

01 April 2023

Themes, hopes and ambitions – a co-ordinator’s perspective

Themes, hopes and ambitions – a co-ordinator’s perspective

ETERNAL’s Technical Co-ordinator Raquel Llorens-Chiralt takes a few minutes to reflect upon the project’s overall themes and share her hopes and ambitions for how ETERNAL’s combination of collaborative research and co-created change activities can contribute to making pharmaceutical manufacture greener by design.

28 March 2023

Partners share early progress

Partners share early progress

The ETERNAL consortium members enjoyed an energizing two days at the University of Aveiro when they gathered to mark the project’s six-month stage General Assembly meeting.

22 March 2023

Report on the standardisation landscape and applicable standards

Report on the standardisation landscape and applicable standards

Using standards as a knowledge source in the earliest possible stages of research and innovation avoids duplication of work and provides the basis for future marketable products. This deliverable identifies and describes the standardisation technical committees (TCs) at European and International level related to the ETERNAL project as well as the published standards (existing and under development) that could be relevant and useful for all the project activities.

01 March 2023

Project brochure now available

Project brochure now available

We are pleased to share this online version of a new brochure providing an overview of the essential features and key themes of the ETERNAL project.

22 December 2022

ETERNAL Partners look ahead

ETERNAL Partners look ahead

A number of the ETERNAL project partners have been anticipating and outlining how they will be contributing to the project’s overall aim to establish safe and sustainable pharmaceutical lifecycles by design.

01 November 2022

Early press coverage for ETERNAL

Early press coverage for ETERNAL

The recent launch of the ETERNAL project has generated some early press interest in our new four-year contribution to the sustainable development of pharmaceutical manufacture, use and disposal, by using and promoting full life cycle approaches covering design, manufacture, use, and disposal.

14 October 2022

Project Launch in Valencia

Project Launch in Valencia

The ETERNAL project held a successful kick-off meeting in Valencia, Spain on 27th and 28th September. This new four-year EC Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Action will contribute to sustainable development of pharmaceutical manufacture, use and disposal, by using and promoting full life cycle approaches covering design, manufacture, usage, and disposal, assessing the environmental risks of not only active pharmaceutical ingredients and residues or metabolites, but other chemicals and by-products of the production process. In other words, safe and sustainable pharmaceutical lifecycles by design.

28 September 2022

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