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ETERNAL Newsletter No. 4

ETERNAL Newsletter No. 4

ETERNAL's fourth newsletter reflects the project's positive progress, with pointers to two recent peer reviewed publications from within the consortium relating to greener phamaceutical manufacturing and process sustainability evaluation. You can also access thinking on the ethical balance involved when harnessing new digital technologies in pursuit of improved medicines manufacturing methods, and catch up on the output of other outreach activities in which the project has been involved in the last six months.

11 October 2024

ETERNAL Newsletter No. 3

ETERNAL Newsletter No. 3

ETERNAL's third newsletter features two important positioning papers from the ETERNAL stable: a concept paper laying out the key-drivers and a possible regulatory roadmap for “compliant-by-design” pharmaceutical strategies on the one hand, and a review of current and future EMA regulation covering the environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals complete with areas where these could be strengthened, improved and gaps filled. You can also read about some of our plans for conferences and workshops in the frst half of 2024.

19 February 2024

ETERNAL Newsletter No. 2

ETERNAL Newsletter No. 2

ETERNAL's second newsletter reflects upon a strong first year of progress as we’ve got the ball moving across the project’s activities. You can read about how advances in membrane technology are helping one of the project’s major industrial partners put sustainability at the heart of their business, hear about how a new process understanding methodology for sustainability is helping ETERNAL’s innovators set objective goals for success, and find out about how prospective changes in the European regulatory landscape might change the expectations laid upon producers in a bid to enhance environmental protections. Plus much more!

17 October 2023

ETERNAL Newsletter No. 1

ETERNAL Newsletter No. 1

Welcome to ETERNAL's first newsletter. Amongst other things this edition features news on early progress made, perspectives on ETERNAL's theme's and ambitions, research into how biopharmaceutical processes can be made “greener by design” using genome engineering, and the opportunities presented by the new European Unitary Patent system.

25 April 2023

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