Early press coverage for ETERNAL

In the Headlines…

The recent launch of the ETERNAL project has generated some early press interest in our new four-year contribution to the sustainable development of pharmaceutical manufacture, use and disposal, by using and promoting full life cycle approaches covering design, manufacture, use, and disposal.

Titles such as Sustainable Packaging News, and Recycling Magazine have picked up upon the project’s green ambition to contribute to the broad challenge of maintaining ongoing access to safe, high quality and effective pharmaceutical treatments for citizens and animals whilst ensuring sustainable supply chains and consumption patterns and avoiding undue impacts of pharmaceutical residues on the environment.

Reflecting the strong local regional strength represented in the project consortium, Valencia International has reported on the project coordination by Valencia-based plastics Technology Centre AIMPLAS. The project has particularly strong Iberian representation, with a group of partners clustered in the technological heartland of Barcelona, national standardization body UNE in Madrid, and across the border on the Portuguese coast, research expertise from the Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM), a Research Unit of the University of Aveiro.

Find out more about the ETERNAL project partners here.

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